Public, private schools in Kisumu, Homa Bay post impressive KCPE results

Fredrick Odiero

Both public and private schools in Kisumu County registered impressive outcomes in the just released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education results.

Several candidates in different schools scored 400 marks and above, bringing back the sleeping giants to the academic map.

Public institutions that excelled in the 1990s and early 2000s, but had been overshadowed by private schools, appeared to have awoken from their slumber in this year’s test, especially in Kisumu County.

Maseno Girls, MM Shah, Xaverian, Victoria, Arina, St Anne’s Ahero, Arya, Migosi, Central and Joel Omino Primary Schools posted impressive results.

Others schools in the periphery of the city such as Angira, Kanyamedha, Kondele and a host of others also performed well.

Topping the ladder was Makini School in Kisumu which produced the second best candidate nationally.

Maseno Girls’ Graca Owori Idah scored 422 marks as Melanie Achieng’ Nduga had 415, while Florence Ivana Okok registered 413.  At Arya and Joel Omino Primary Schools, their top candidates scored 417 marks.

Joel Omino Primary head teacher Veronica Otieno said the number of candidates with over 400 marks improved from only two last year, to six in 2021.

She said they have done better than 2020, with a number of candidates getting more than 350 marks and above.

Makini School in Kibos produced the second-best candidate in the country, Ashley Momanyi Kerubo, who scored 427 marks.

Ashley Kerubo, the second top candidate in the 2021 KCPE exams, wants to be an astronomer.

Kerubo scored 427 marks and wants to join Kenya High School.

“I had worked hard and was surprised when the results were announced,” she said.

Kerubo said she was grateful to the team that helped her achieve good results.

“I am grateful and proud of all the efforts to make this a reality. I congratulate other candidates too,” she said.

She thanked the staff and teachers at Makini School for working with them.

“It’s been a long journey but we made it,” Kerubo said.

The second best candidate thanked her parents for being kind and resourceful.

“We have taken the cup and as a family, we are proud,” she said.

Her mother, Rose Abwunza, said she had worked hard towards the exams and was happy with her performance.

She thanked the teachers for molding her into who she is now.

Makini School head teacher Margaret Momanyi was thankful for Kerubo’s performance.

Momanyi said they had been encouraging her.

“Kerubo is disciplined and did not allow any distractors. I know she will pursue her dreams,” the head teacher said

The top candidate attributed her good performance to hard work, dedication and the support of teachers and parents.

“This has boosted my dream of pursuing my career in astronomy,” she said while celebrating her results at the school. “While I was expecting good results, I did not know that my name would be among the best performers in the country,” she said.

At Central Primary school the head teacher Elly Otieno said two candidates scored over 400 marks.

Other private institutions that produced top candidates are Hekima School, Golden Elites and Citam.

Irene Wendy aged 14 of Hekima scored 417 marks to emerge tops of the school.

It was jubilation and song at the learning instution after the institution posted it’s ever best results  for the Kenya certificate of primary examinations results in many years.

Over ten students at the school scored 400 marks pit of the 27 candidates who sat for the examination.

The school director Dr Richard Guya lauded the candidates for the splendid performance.

He said the good results were as a result of hard work by students, teachers and other stakeholders.

The director said they expect even better results next year and that the previous performance was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The top student at the school Miss irine Wendy could not hide her joy. She scored 415 marks to emerged tops.

 She attributed her good results to prayers and hard  work.

 The top student said she would like to be a surgeon after completing high school.

School head teacher Mr Peter Okello said at the school in Lolwe estate that the results were some of the best in recent years.

He said the results were a marked improvement this time round.

Parents and teachers danced around the school compound as they celebrated the good results 

Kenya national union of tecahers Kisumu city branch officials lauded the good results posted by schools there.

Led by the executive secretary David Obuon and the chairma Elly Otieno the officials said many schools have more 400 marks and above compared to the prevous years.

Obuon said both teachers and candidates worked very hard for the results to be achieved.

 Private schools also performed well in Homa Bay County compared to public ones.

Echoes of Mercy Christian School in Kabondo Kasipul

 led with a mean score of 387.8 marks where Flevian Griffens Otieno topped in the school by scoring 412 marks.

 He was followed by Caleb Otuya Oigo and Morgan Ong’era Oroko with 407 marks each, Brian Mogesi Nyairo got 406, Alex Otieno and Mitchele

Okeyo got 405 each.

The School director Moses Odhiambo said the good results had resulted

from their hard work and determination.

Odhiambo said they had been mentoring their candidates through motivational speeches.

He said the  performance indicates that good results achievable through hard work.

He said they had prioritized prayers in their academic activities.

At Janeiro Junior Academy in Rangwe constituency, the school had a  mean score of 384 marks.

The highest candidate Odhiambo Esther Lynn got 419 marks. She was followed by  Ochieng’ James Okoth with 418, Odongo Charlot Awuor got

415, Randiga Tracy Atieno got 414, Onyango Valary Adhiambo 413 marks among others.

The school head teacher Philip Aduda attributed the results to team work.

He said the entire school community had been working as a team for the academic achievement.

At St Peter’s Capeview, the leading candidate Elkana Lemashon got 422

marks, followed by Jack Okeyo and Timothy Africa with 419.

At Sango Academy Ogalo Jane Achieng got 420 marks

A public school, Mbita Point International School had the higheststudent, Clinton Jordan with 420 marks.

At Gendia Primary School in Rachuonyo North, Ryian Cedric Ombija got 410 marks while Odhiambo Willis got 402 marks.

At St Peter Cape View Academy, the top candidate was Elkana Lemashon, who scored with 422 marks and was followed by Jack Okeyo with 419 and Timothy Africa on 419.

School Director Peter Ongoro attributed the performance to collaborative efforts between teachers, parents and the board of management.

At Sango Academy in Homa Bay Town, Jane Albright Achieng Ogallo scored 420 marks. At Janairo Junior Academy, they had 121 candidates who registered a mean score of 384 marks, with 33 getting 400 and above.

The top candidate was Esther Lynn Odhiambo with 419 and was followed by James Ochieng’ Okoth, who got 418. Charlot Odongo Awuor scored 415 marks; Tracy Randiga Atieno had 414 marks, while Vallary Onyango Adhiambo scored 413 marks.

The headteacher, Ms Philip Aduda, attributed the sterling performance to team work, discipline and cooperation between parents and teachers.

At Mbita Point International school, Clinton Jordan had 420 marks, while at Gendia Primary in Rachuonyo North, Ryan Cedric Odhiambo Ombija got 410 marks and Willis Odhiambo had 402. The head teacher, Ms. Patrick Were, said 49 candidates had between 300 and 399 marks.

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