Njenga Karume Primary becomes best improved school in Central region

By Felix Wanderi

The 54 pupils who sat KCPE examinations at Njenga Karume Primary School are an elated lot to be the ones who have brought the institution out of the woods to become best improved school in central region.

The school, situated in Cianda, Kiambaa Constituency has had to grapple with a lot of challenges but the pupils were able to overcome and managed a mean score of 248 marks up from 207 in 2020.

Pauline Njoroge, the head teacher said that the teachers increased their contact time with the pupils and would start classes at 7 am and leave school by 5:30 pm in preparation to have better grades for every pupil.

“The first Pupil scored 395 marks with the last pupil scoring 167 marks. We are delighted that the school has improved due to increased contact time of teachers to the learners and we kept on encouraging them to keep working hard,” Njoroge said.

He added that parents cooperated with the teachers who requested children to be in school on Saturdays to learn, leading to the great improvement.

“The Standard Eight class had been taken over by the whole team of staff right from the pre-primary to those that had subjects in class eight and this has brought the achievement,” Njoroge said.

The head teacher revealed that 95% of the pupils come from the surrounding coffee and tea estates where the parents are casual workers in the estates hence their resources are meager.

Joshua Ochieng, the best candidate was brought to the school after being picked up by a well-wisher from the streets together with his sister and both are orphans.

Philip Mubea, Cianda Ward MCA who has been involved in the school activities for years urged Kiambu County Government to support the needy students within the school since many are unable to get school fees for their secondary school education despite passing their exams.

“This pupils have passed well and since they come from financially unstable backgrounds we would not want their education cut short due to lack of school fees and I urge Kiambu County Government to look at the plight of the needy pupils,” Mubea said.

He said that the national schools within Kiambu County should accommodate students who have performed well so as to encourage and improve the education standards of bright pupils who hail from the area.

Abraham Kinyanjui, a pupil at Njenga Karume Primary School being held high. He scored 301 marks. The school was named the best improved in Central region.

Abraham Kinyanjui who scored 301 marks and aspires to be a software engineer wishes that his application for Kiambu High School will be successful.

Timothy Njuguna scored 357 marks and had applied to join Lenana School which he hopes to join. He aspires to be an architect in the future and he said that it was a hard journey towards achieving good grades and that teachers together with his parents encouraged him so much.

Grace Wambui hopes to join Loreto Kiambu High School after scoring 362 marks and promises to continue working hard so that she can become a lawyer in the future.

Parents thanked Education CS Prof. George Magoha for the stringent measures put in place to ensure that there were no loopholes for irregularities.

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