Migori, Kisii schools celebrate starling performances in KCPE

Pupils and teachers march to celebrate KCSE results. Little known Kerera Primary recorded the best results ever.

By Norah Musega


Song and dance was seen in Migori and Kisii County schools as the education cabinet secretary Prof. George Magoha released 2021 KCPE examination results yesterday.

Some of the schools within the region took their celebrations to the roads and along the streets in towns within the region.

Some of the top schools from Migori County include Momokoro with a mean score of 385, St. Bhakita with 367, Uriri Elite, Havard with 338 while top schools from Kisii County include St. Cecilia Olare, Migori Primary School, Elimu, Green Hill School with 398 and Imperial Academy with a mean of 387.

Speaking to Education News in his office after the release of the KCPE results, Momokoro Academy School Director Tobias Werema Range noted that despite the good results by learners at the institution, the 2021 academic year was faced with a lot of challenges brought by Covid-19 pandemic.

“We have only been able to attain the mean due to sacrifices made by teachers and parents in ensuring the candidates were well taken care of and given maximum attention in their academic journey,” he said.

His sentiments were also echoed by the school head teacher who applauded teachers, parents and candidates for the good work which contributed to the good results where the last pupil scored 354 marks as the top pupil at the school had score 417 marks.

He also challenged parents to continue with the same spirit in supporting their children even as they proceed to the next level of education to achieve their academy goals.

At Havard Junior Academy, the director noted that the schools’ history changed as their top pupil managed to score 411 marks in KCPE.

“It has been my dream that we get a pupil to one of the national schools within the country and that dream is already a reality. This is a challenge to us and we are more encouraged to continue with the good work towards impacting knowledge in our pupils and next year will even be better,” he said.

At Imperial Academy, parents and 2021 KCPE candidates joined teachers in song and dance as they celebrated the impressive results that had been posted.

Daniel Mageto, the second best pupil at the school noted that he is pleased with his results and that he is now focused to achieve his dream of becoming a pilot in the future.

The 2021 KCPE exams was done this year in the month of March after Covid 19 pandemic affected the education calendar which saw learners stay at home for ten months as from March 2020.

The results were released yesterday even as the 2021 KCSE candidates continue writing their national exams expected to end on Friday. This year is unique in the education calendar since national exams will be done again in December by the 2022 KCPE, KCSE candidates and the pioneers of Competency based curriculum (CBC) who will be transiting to junior secondary schools in January 2023.

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