Teachers vow to support colleagues for coveted political seats

By Norah Musega


Teacher Unions have pledged support for colleagues vying for political seats in the forthcoming general elections in a bid to get adequate representation both at the county and national assemblies.

KUPPET Migori branch officials have endorsed the current assistant executive secretary Rolex Owino to vie for Central Sakwa Ward Representative post.

Led by the executive secretary of the branch Orwa Jasolo, the Unionists noted that Owino has all it takes to lead the people of Central Sakwa Ward following his continuous contribution in championing teachers’ interests as an elected leader.

Jasolo remarked that they are only interested in leaders who can perform and have impacted the community positively before.

“The reason we have come out to support Owino is his ability and skill to fight for resources for the sake of his residents. We shall only support aspirants and leaders who have worked and served the society perfectly,” said Jasolo.

He added that teachers have been tested in leadership positions and are capable of representing electorates, giving the example of the outgoing Migori County Governor Zachary Okoth Obado. Also cited was former MP for Awendo Jared Kopiyo who also was a teacher before joining politics.

“We want to encourage other teachers to brave the heat as we shall give them our deep support,” he said, adding that they were happy Owino had set the pace for others to follow.

He said they needed people who could articulate education issues that will also help uplift education standards in the region.

“We are going to rally our teachers to support other colleagues running for political office. They closely relate with the community and understand better the challenges experienced by locals,” he observed.

Other teachers who have been known for their advocacy on the national stage are Emuhaya MP Omboko Milemba, also KUPPET chairman, nominated MP Wilson Sossion, former KNUT Secretary General, Bungoma County MP Catherine Wabilianga, and Ronald Tanui, MP Bomet Central, who doubles up as KUPPET Assistant National Treasurer.

Owino on his side pledged to streamline the learning environment of all early childhood development learners to level the foundation of education and give equal and timely distribution of bursaries.

He has since resigned after 16 years in classroom teaching. At the time of his resignation he was the deputy principal at Magingo Mixed Secondary School in Uriri Sub-county.

Among the Unionists who attended the meeting were the KUPPET Migori branch chairman Henry Otunga, treasurer Florence Ouma, and a nominated official of the Union at the branch George Okumu.

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