Relief as 450 ECDE teachers hired by county on permanent basis

By Andanje Wakhungu

Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers in Busia County have every reason to smile after the County Public Service Board announced of their recruitment from contract to permanent basis.

The county government of Busia finally announced the full time employment of all ECDE teachers after many years of them being on contract basis.

The directive which is set to take effect this May will see over 450 ECDE teachers working on contractual based being completely absorbed permanently by the county government of Busia through governor Sospeter Ojaamong’ directive.

“My government is among the few devolved units in the country that has employed ECDE teachers on permanent terms where we managed to hire 439 teachers in the first phase and the County Public Service Board (CPSB) through the department of Education and Vocational Training will be carrying interviews of shortlisted candidates where those who excel as ECDE teachers will be deployed across the areas canters,” said the Governor.

He made the remarks on Wednesday at Busia ATC while in the company of County Public Service Board chairperson Asumpta Obore when they met with prospective candidates eyeing various employment opportunities advertised by the county government.

On his part, Obore warned shortlisted candidates against canvassing for employment positions. She said the board is independent and selection will be on merit.

“The county public service board is a professional body that is keen on exercising free and fair interviews where those who manage to be accepted will get the job and we do not at any given time allow interviewees to canvass and those who do so will be sidelined as it is unprofessional and besides the ECDE recruitment we are further through the governorship department will also be seeking to interview village administrators for Nambale B, fire engine driver, fire fighter for the newly acquired fire engine, constables and support staff besides the department of public works is aiming at recruiting an administrative officer, plant operator and senior support staff,” she said.

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