Strictly follow KNEC examination regulations, commissioner tells examiners, candidates

By Lydia Ngoolo

As Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE) kicked off nationwide,
Makueni County Commissioner Gilbert Kitiyo has called upon candidates and examiners to follow exam rules and regulations strictly, cautioning them not to dare use mobile phones while in exam rooms.

The County boss assured them of enough security in their respective centres, safe delivery and returning of the papers.

In Makueni county, there are 404 centres with 27,024 candidates where
13,530 are girls and 13,494 being boys.

“We thank God that the weather is favorable and we do not expect
logistical challenges. We hope everything will go on ascplanned but we
are ready in case of any challenge,” Kitiyo.

He however noted that many Competence Based curriculum(CBC) classes are ready but there are few remaining especially those in areas of

He assured that they will make sure the classes are ready before class
six joins Junior Secondary Schools.

“All construction work has stopped due to the ongoing exams as nobody is allowed in schools if they are not involved in the exams. Construction will resume after exams to completion,” he added.

Makueni TSC director Alex Cheruiyot called upon examiners to treat
the exams and its regulations with the seriousness it deserves by following them to the latter.

County Education Director James Gachugi said KCPE exams were a success
and they wish the same to happen in KCSE. He called upon all those involved to be serious in curbing any irregularities.

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