TSC Deputy Director warns teachers on cybercrime

By Lydia Ngoolo

The Deputy Director for Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Makueni County, David Gutu has told teachers to be careful with their information as cybercrime is on the increase where criminals solicit their funds fraudulently.

He blamed some teachers who visit cyber cafes for internet services where they trust all their personal information to attendants, saying that such behavior would lead to a privacy breach.

“You see, some of these teachers are very young but why they cannot do their own work in cyber cafes still baffles me. To the older ones who are not conversant with IT we can understand them but to young ones, for real, that should be a joke,” Gutu said.

Speaking at Wote, Makueni County, he added that many have been conned to an extend of paying loans they did not apply for.

Security matters a lot and even if the teachers ask for assistance while in cybers, let them ensure they change their passwords thereafter.

He cited an incident whereby a certain phone number has been calling teachers, promising them promotion when they part with some amount of money.

“Those using the number are claiming to be Deputy Directors at TSC. Kindly confirm even with your Currulum Support Officer (CSO), do not be in a hurry to give out your information. You should be a proper and competent manager ofyourself,” he added.

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