Build quality CBC classrooms to accommodate increasing numbers, gov’t told

By Felix Wanderi

Even as the government put efforts to build classrooms to accommodate the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) learners, parents in Kabete Constituency, Kiambu County have insisted that quality learning is realized when learners attend classes in the recommended environments.

Simon Kimani, a parent has said that they have noticed that more classrooms have been built in different schools while others have received face lifts from the CDF led by the area MP Githua Wamacukuru but there is an increasing number of learners in public schools.

“The challenge in education is felt when teachers cannot handle learners or when learners do not study in a conducive environment,” he said.

On the contrary, Mathew Njenga, a parent at Gataara Primary School in Kiambu has disclosed that a class in the school hosts more than 70 pupils.

“Even though we have seen more classrooms being built, more parents are enrolling their children in public schools. Their population has overgrown,” Njenga said.

The area MP said some private schools are advantaged and that learning is going on normally whereas in some public schools, challenges of learning space remains persistent.

Wamacukuru revealed that his CDF Committee has built classrooms in almost all primary schools in the constituency but they still have a huge population in the classes.

“Public schools have received all the attention they have sought; face-lifting and more classrooms. However, the population is still huge. A lot of classrooms in our constituency host over 60 learners every day, meaning, something needs to be done,” reiterated the MP.

They were speaking at Gataara Primary School where the MP led his CDF Committee in the opening and handing over of three classrooms on Friday.

Wamacukuru asked the government to embark on a strategy of adding more funds on infrastructure for classrooms as well as increasing the CDF kitty so that they can be used to construct more classrooms.

“Our population is still rising and parents are enjoying Free Primary School education. No one can be closed out of it. What is important is to have a strategy of handling the way forward so as to address the issue ones and for all,” he said.

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