Surprise as independent trainer leads school to top honours at Music festivals

By Fredrick Odiero

An independent trainer caused a major stir at the ongoing Kenya Music Festival by leading a public school in carrying top honors.

Mr. Donald Adimo who was standing in for St Joseph’s Rapogi from Migori region led the institution to collect a whopping 91 marks.

The school beat nine other contenders nine other contenders with well-trained music teachers in the African folk song category under Class 371.

St Joseph’s Rapogi boys receive their trophy after exemplary performance. Photo Fredrick Odiero

Mr. Adimo who turned tables at Kisumu Boys high school said that he was hired by the institution to train the choir for the music extravaganza.

Other schools which performed well in the category included St Paul’s Karondot from the Rift valley and Bukembe from the western region.

Mr. Adimo said that he started his music journey at Uriri primary school and has never looked back.

The coach who has also trained several other learning institutions in the past said that he has now enrolled for a Degree in music and mass communication in order to further sharpen his skills.

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