Despite recent exploits, Kaplong Girls’ is hungry for more in KCSE

By Leonard Angatia

Kaplong girls High school in Bomet is on course to bolster its academic glory not only in the South Rift region but on the national platform as well.

The school which is situated at the junction of Kericho-Kisii road near Sotik town is doing everything possible to be counted among the best of the best schools in the Country.

During an interview with the Principal Mrs. Claire Mitei, education news established that theCatholic-sponsored school provides a holistic Values-based Education, creating a strong learning environment that enhances academic achievement and develops students’ social and relationship skills that last throughout their lives.

Mrs. Mitei said the school is among the institutions with high levels of discipline in the country.

“Discipline is paramount and mediocrity is not at all tolerated at Kaplong girls.” She reiterated

The school had an impressive academic prowess in last year’s KCSE with a remarkable mean score of 8.05 from 7.79 of 2019.

Last year the school was able to send 179 out of the 206 students to the public universities after they performed exemplarily in the KCSE exams recording a positive deviation of 0.26 ranking it position 2 in the County and among the top 100 schools nationally.

The school has a population of 1,277 students and a total of 55 teachers, 29 of whom are employed by TSC and 26 by the Board of Management-BOM.

Although it is registered as 5-stream, the school is currently on a sixth stream due to increased population following the government’s 100 percent transition call.

The senior principal said for the past 3 years the school has experienced an upward trend in academic performance owed to the hard working and committed teachers who have always given their best to the equally focused students.

Mrs. Mitei has seen the institution grow in both academics and population owing to her easy approach to salient issues and she being a pro-active humanitarian.

With her Motherly love and tender care she is able to mingle freely with students and discuss issues with them as though they were siblings to ensure every child is well in terms of upkeep and health.

“As the school Principal I have to listen to every concern raised among all the school stakeholders and act accordingly, this makes students to feel free with me and also feel are at home away from their homes.” She said

Through the Guiding and counseling department in the school a robust programme of peer mentorship among students has been established to mentor and build a strong moral and carrer development among the students.

“Through this initiative, students meet twice per week and bring out their views of which are relayed up to the administration through the prefects’ body for appropriate action.” Mrs. Mitei highlighted

She added that they value excellence and that has remained an inspiration and driving force as a school.

The school has two deputies who step in the shoes of the principal when she is on official duties elsewhere.

They make sure the school remains focused and disciplined always.

Edda Rutoh is incharge of academics and Edna Gichaba is in charge of Guiding and counseling/careers.

This year the school has 272 registered candidates and has set a target mean score of 8.4 as they work hard to achieve it.

“In terms of the syllabus we have covered almost all the subjects and we going on with serious revision to equip our candidates in preparation for the exam.” She said

She revealed that they have coordinated remedial classes every morning and evening preps thus making it easier for early syllabus coverage.

She added that students are allocated free time every day after lunch hour to form small groups of discussion and come up with ideas on how they should perform even better.

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