MCK to roll out training for journalists on elections reporting

By Achola Bulimo Mathews

Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Chief Executive Officer Mr. David Omwoyo has said that MCK will rollout countrywide training scribes on election reporting as the clock ticks towards the August general elections.

Speaking at Kibabii University, Omwoyo said that there is need for journalists to be trained on how to report elections and ensure that there is balancing of stories.

He also urged journalists to stick to professionalism when reporting political stories.

Mr. Omwoyo added that MCK has published guidelines of elections reporting and that the council will go through the guidelines with media experts and editors.

‘We want every media practitioner to follow the stipulated guidelines and play his/her role and ensure that what happened in 2007-2008 doesn’t happen again,’ he said.

He also urged media houses to ensure that their reporters are accredited by MCK so that the body can intervene when scribes are attacked or threatened.

He added that the council has also put in place extensive protocols to ensure that threatened scribes are evacuated from dangerous prone areas to safer areas.

“MCK is working closely with many local administrations to ensure that the security of journalists is a priority during campaigns and elections. Recently, a journalist in Bungoma was threatened and we intervened very first and solved the situation,” he affirmed.

He further urged Journalists to ensure accuracy in the news they presented to the public arguing that there is so much fake news.

‘Many people trust media sources hence journalists should be keen on what they feed the public with. Information should be verified before being presented to the consumers,” he said.

Bungoma county commissioner Samuel Kimiti promised to provide journalists with security before, during and after the elections and said that nobody should intimidate press freedom.

“Anybody who threatens press freedom is misguided. The media should be given security and the needed support so that they can keep the nation informed about what is really happening,’ Kimiti said.

He further explained that it’s through the media that the public will be informed on how  elections will be conducted.

Kibabii university Vice Chancellor Professor Ipara Odeo  said that radio plays a very important role in education as it offers a means of communication as well as a learning avenue for learners.

 The Kiswahili scholar urged media managers to use the media outlets in enhancing Kiswahili teaching.

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