Parents appeal to TSC to tame randy teacher impregnating pupils

By Enock Okong’o

Parents of Nyarenda Primary School in Kisii County are appealing to the TSC Chief Executive Office Dr. Nancy Macharia to come to their aid after a teacher is alleged to be sexually preying on school girls.

The parents who were led by Cyrus Ogega want the teacher to be investigated after impregnating six children in the school.

The teacher, whom parents pointed out is said to have had a long history of impregnating pupils. The said teacher impregnated pupils in his previous stations before transferring the vice to Nyarenda Primary School.

This was noted after one of the pupils revealed to her parents that she had a pregnancy of about six months.

The pregnant girl reported that the teacher always lured her into an empty classroom where he did the act during morning preps.

“He told me that he loved me and told me to be reporting to school in the weekends. He always makes me sleep on my desk in the class room,” said the testified girl.

The parents say that although the matter was reported to both Ogembo and Kenyenya County offices, the officers did not follow up the matter.

One of the parents John Kebaso argued that the officers colluded with the alleged teacher to give the matter a deaf hear.

The irate parents who threatened to storm the school wanted to give the alleged teacher a lesson.

They further accused the Kisii County Director of Education Mr. Pius Ngoma of laxity in performing his duties and especially on such an urgent matter.

When Mr. Ngoma was contacted, he denied knowledge of the matter, saying that it had not been communicated to him officially.

“I only received a phone call from an unknown person complaining of a defilement case from the school,” he briefed.

The education director promised to follow up on the matter and inform the public on the unfolding

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