Varsity students honour colleague who died in hands of police

By Kamundia Muriithi

University and college students from Embu County joined the family of the late Emmanuel Mutura on December 31, 2021 in remembering the birthday of the young man.

Mutura, a first year student of Don Bosco Technology Training Institute in Karen together with his brother Benson Ndigwa, died on August 1 last year, allegedly in the hands of police officers.  Mutura was to turn 20 on December 31. To celebrate his birthday posthumously, friends and students joined the family of the slain brothers and placed flowers on their graves.

Embu County Comrades Association President Dennis Macharia talked of the importance of joining the family of the slain brothers in the celebration and honoring their memory.

The deceased father Ndwiga Kamunyoti said it was great to host a birthday celebration for his departed son Emmanuel, as it has been a family tradition to celebrate each member’s birthday. 

“It was Emmanuel’s norm to invite colleagues and friends for his birthday celebrations. I am grateful to the comrades and friends who have joined us in celebrating his life,” he said.

He recalled that Emmanuel was passionate about cooking, a skill he acquired from his mother Catherine Wawira and that Emmanuel used to prepare roasted potatoes.

Their mother was unable to speak as she still grieves for her two sons.

The brothers fell into police swoop in Kianjokoma market for violating the 10 pm to dawn curfew. Three days later, they were found at Embu Level Five Hospital mortuary sparking outrage by residents.

An autopsy report indicated that Benson had multiple injuries on the head, the rib and that his limb had bruises. On the other hand, Mutura had head injuries believed to be from a blunt object.

The sad incident led to the charging of six police officers with murder. The case is still active in court.

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