School appeals for help over their run-down facilities

By Enock Omong’o

Parents of Kiru Primary School in Bomachoge, Borabu Constituency, are appealing to any well-wisher to step in and assist them construct modern class rooms for their children as the current ones are in a dilapidated state.

Speaking at the school, the parents revealed that although the institution is one of the oldest in the area, it has never been given any serious attention for development by those in leadership.

According to the records from the Head Teacher’s office, the school has a good performance record in national examinations.

“We have retained our tradition of taking students to national schools each year in spite of the infrastructural hardships,” said the head teacher.

He said that his Management Committee applied and visited NG-CDF office for financial assistance but their efforts have yielded no fruits so far.

The concerned parents accused the area MP Prof. Zadoc Ogutu of developing other schools, basing their arguments on the issuance of the funds only to areas that voted for him.

The parents cited schools like Metembe and Rianyanchabera that were started much later and could not even beat Kiru in the national examinations have been developed with the help of NG-CDF funds. 

Kenyenya Sub-county Director of Education Mr. George Ouma while being in agreement with the parents about that the dilapidated condition of the school, asked the alumni to come together and pull resources to supplement the government’s efforts to salvage the school from imminent collapse.

“The government does a lot from the provision of books to schools and capitation of money for each child. We appeal to communities to appreciate them by topping up and provide a few basic learning materials for their children,” he advised.

Mr. John Mose, a parent in the school said that he offered prayers for his three children at the school every day they returned home safely as he feared the wanting state of the pit latrines.

“The leak from roofs makes the floor wet, thus making it to sag, something that can swallow our children at any time,” he said.

One of the members of the School’s Management Committee threatened to resign because of the abuses she received from the fellow parents who accused them of being lazy.

“Some of us cannot withstand this pressure, abuses from parents as if we are the ones to fund the school,” commented the bitter Committee member.

This reporter can ascertain that the ramshackle classrooms with rusty roofs houses more than 480 pupils.

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