10 bright but needy students awarded bursaries in Kakamega

By Andanje Wakhungu

10 bright but needy students in Mugai Shirugu ward in Kakamega county have received bursaries from Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

The bursaries were awarded through the lobby of Mr. Peter Wanami, the vice-chairperson of the school Board of Management at St Marygoret Kalenda Girls.

The bursaries were awarded to enable the needy students continue with their education.

Mr. Wanami called upon parents and guardians to take advantage of the bursaries being offered by various organizations and ensure that their children are educated.

  “We have been urging parents to be involved in education matters and take such opportunities seriously but they are yet to embrace it. Only ten students applied and we are happy to announce that their applications were successful,” said Wanami.

He further promised to continue supporting education programmes in the ward so as to help to reduce illiteracy.

He also added that as a leader, his goal is to ensure that the community around him is learned and empowered.

The school principal Iris Ngaywa called on the media to highlight the plight of needy students.

“We are very touched by Mr. Wanami’s gesture of assisting our parents pay fees. It is my wish that next time, more parents will take up the opportunity and apply for bursaries as the school has a population of 270 girls who are all promising to better their education,” said Ngaywa.

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