Omobera school dormitory razed down by fire

By Enock Okong’o

The parents of Omobera Mixed Boarding Primary School are counting losses after a dormitory was gutted down on Saturday night.

According to the school administration, the fire started at the boys’ dormitory when the pupils were in class for evening studies.

“Teachers and pupils were alerted about the fire by the watchman who noted flames engulfing the building,” said the head teacher.

The teaching and support staff with the help of villager tried to fight the inferno but they were unfortunately overwhelmed.

Officers from Kenyanya Police Station led by their Commander reported at the scene to find that the fire had already razed down the dormitory and no property could be salvaged.

Fire fighters from Kisii town reached the school four hours later but found the down Dormitory had gone down, only embers of fire could be seen.

Prof Zadoc Ogutu, MP Bomachoge Borabu.

Among those who visited the school were the area MP Prof. Zadoc Ogutu who promised that his team will move with speed to assist the pupils continue with learning.

“Our team will come in swiftly to see that our pupils and teachers remain comfortable,” he said.

The MP who was flanked by Kenyanya Sub-county Director of Education Mr. George Ouma appealed to the police to work with the school’s management committee to establish the cause of the fire outbreak.

Early observations indicated that the fire started from the corner of the dormitory and a suspected electric fault might have caused it.

Asked to estimate the cost if the damage, the Education Director said they were consulting with the administration to give the exact estimate of the damage.

“We are at the preliminaries of data collection and will update you accordingly,” he told this news reporters.

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