Low varsity funding hurting research and innovations, says UASU

By Fredrick Odiero

Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) Maseno Chapter chairman Dr George Kotuto  has expressed concern over the low funding of institutions  of higher learning in the country.

Speaking at Tom Mboya Labour College during a UASU Annual General Meeting, Dr Kotuto said the low funding of varsities by the government has compromised research and innovations.

‘Many public universities are in a major crisis due to lack of funds. The government should increase funds allocation to public universities,’ he said.

He added that they will continue pushing the government until their rights are met.

He argued that some universities have been using the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse to harass workers and that some varsities are full of nepotism which has hindered some lecturers from moving upwards.

‘ It’s noteworthy that many lecturers are experiencing a raw deal since they are yet to be paid via the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) whose proposals have been forwarded to the relevant authorities.  Currently, we are waiting for a counter offer from the government in order to see the way forward,’ he said.

He added that the 2017/2021 deal should be replaced by a new agreement.

Dr Kotuto, who was flanked by the secretary general Okeyo Onyango, indicated that the union will not come to the defense of workers who sexually abuse students.

Many university lecturers   have complained that their conditions are not being taken into account. Some lecturers from Maseno University said the buildings do not favour the physically challenged.

During the AGM, members ratified the over Shs 8 million budget which was tabled.

UASU national treasurer Dr Jenifer Kumba lauded the chapter for the well-kept book of accounts.

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