Principal wants children to be educated on environmental conservation

By Our Correspondent

The principal of Kenyenya Secondary School in Kisii Mr. Lawrence Makori has lauded the government for teaching Community health workers and volunteers about air pollution at household levels.

Speaking to more than 100 senior students at the Sub-county headquarters, the educator said that the adults stood at a better position to educate the youths on the importance of environmental conservation.

Talking on the general importance of education to society, the principal told the adults to extend their education to enable them understand the environment better.

“Education has no age limit, get a desire to acquire it at all times,” he said.

In his detailed talk on health issues, the principal who is a teacher of Chemistry, explained on the effects of air pollution and those who cause it.

He gave examples of the use of traditional stove and kerosene lamps that presented serious safety risks, especially to the young children.

“These are risky because even unstable pots may lead to scalding when hot liquids spills…” he advised as he further highlighted other causes of environment pollution, like the emissions from the incomplete combustions of household fuels and other gases like methane and black carbon.

He said, these gases among others, lead to short-term warming effects on the climate. 

He appealed to those who attended the workshop to share extensively with their communities in order to mitigate on the ever increasing dangers of climate change.

“Go and be good ambassadors on the inevitable climate change conditions in order to safe our people,” he concluded.

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