NG-CDF funds have improved the education sector, NPSC reiterates

By Mathews Bulimo

The National Parliament Select Committee (NPSC) managing the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) has thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta for protecting the NG-CDF kitty.

Addressing parents, students and teachers at Moi Deb primary school in Kanduyi constituency in Bungoma county during an inspection tour of various projects funded by NG-CDF, Nyaribare  Chache  legislator Hon Richard  Tongi  ,who is also a member  of  the  committee , applauded   President  Kenyatta  for protecting  the  kitty which is  worth  Kshs  50 billion  hence  giving  a heavy boost to the education sector in terms of  construction of more  learning  facilities in  public  primary  and  secondary  schools.

He revealed that the parliamentary committee is keen on transparency and accountability in the usage of NG-CDF funds countrywide.

His sentiments were echoed by committee members Hon Fred Kapondi (Mt Elgon constituency), Hon Cornelius Sap Seroi (Aldai constituency), Ferdinand Wanyonyi (Kwanza constituency) and Kanduyi MP Hon Arthnus Wafula Wamunyinyi, who also doubles up as the chairman of the committee.

Hon Wamunyinyi said CDF allocated Moi Deb  primary  school  Shs  8 million for the construction of the on-going  storey building  to host classrooms at the school.

He urged parents to embrace their children’s education as it’s the only equalizer between the poor and the rich.

The NG-CDF Board Director  and former  Nyatike  Member of  Parliament  Hon Omondi Anyanga  ,Director  George Olemechoko  and  Chief Executive Officer of  the  Board Yusuf  Mbuno  unanimously  agreed to  allocate  more funds  to the school in the 2022/2023  Financial  year to complete the  on-going construction of the storey building  so as to accommodate more classrooms.

The school has a large student population of about 3,500.

Bungoma County Commissioner Samuel Kimiti urged parents to take care of their children when they break for the short holidays so as to curb the increasing number of teenage pregnancies and drug abuse that has led a high rate of school dropouts.

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