Mombasa to train 30,000 ECDE pupils on Robotics yearly

By Amoto Ndiewo

The county government of Mombasa aims at training 30,000 ECDE pupils on robotics yearly. The Department of ICT and Innovation said the move will play a pivotal role in inducing innovation ideas and critical thinking in the learners from their formative years.    

The ICT Chief Officer Anwar Ahmed said the county government will equip all the 104 public ECDE centres with the necessary skills to take part in solving global problems through technology.

He said the program target 30,000 learners between the age of four and six annually in the 104 centres.

“So far 98 centres have not been equipped and we are walking in that route. The ICT program which was launched in February will prepare the ECDE learners to become technology wizards and transform Mombasa to be a technology and business hub. We are bound to set a county innovation fund and come up with community based innovation hubs  across the six sub counties of Mombasa. This will to gift us a platform to nurture and grow ideas,’’ said the ICT chief.

Ahmed revealed the ICT department   is in talks with Sheikh Zayed Foundation to erect an ICT Park at Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Secondary School in Mombasa. He explained that when actualized, the centre will be of great help to learners from five years old to university level.

“So far we have partnered with JKCUAT  to start innovation clubs in secondary schools, these will go a long way  into tapping talents and gift an ecosystem conducive to creativity and innovation,’’ Ahmed said.

He said Mombasa business man cum politician Suleiman Shahbal who is eyeing for Mombasa gubernatorial seat promised to create an innovation centre at the Buxton Housing Project for the youth.

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