VTC managers urged to market colleges to increase enrollments

 By Osborne Ben

There is need as well as room for more enrollments into Vocational Training Institutions so as to meet the global demand for technical skills.

Skilled labor has become a necessary tool in filling the wide employment gaps experienced countrywide.

Trans Nzoia County chief officer for Education Mrs. Susan Ngera asked the managers of various Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) to be good ambassadors of their institutions so as to increase enrollments into the institutions.

Speaking during a meeting with VTC managers held in Matisi to deliberate on matters pertaining to tertiary education, Mrs Ngera observed that acquisition of technical skills creates a better path for self-employment and bridges the wide gap of unemployment.

‘The low enrolment in most of the Centres is due to lack of adequate information concerning the institutions,’ she revealed.

She challenged form four leavers to join vocational centres to gain technical skills before transitioning to universities.

“Technical skills are so essential yet many are not aware of that,” she said.

The county administration has in the recent past established more VTCs including Chalicha, Kisawai, Kinyoro, Kapkarwa and Kaplamai.

Mitoto VTC is well equipped to handle students with vision impairment as well as other forms of physical disabilities.

She also called on guardians of children living with disabilities to enroll them into VTCs to make them self-reliant.

Trans Nzoia county director of vocational education and training Mr. Eliud Lusweti assured all managers of VCTs that they will soon receive the second phase of their funding.

He called on the managers to utilize the funds well by equipping the Centres with relevant tools that will facilitate enable them impart knowledge to their students.

The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Director department of education Mr. Erick Barasa.

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