Parents threaten to close school due to deplorable state

By Enock Okong’o

Parents from three primary schools in Kisii County have expressed their disappointments and are threatening to close the schools because of the deplorable conditions of classrooms.

While talking to Education News, the parents who come from Nyantira, Rogongo and Gionseri, in Nyamache Sub-county complained of the schools’ leaking roofs that might cause diseases to their children due to the cold.

“Our children might die from pneumonia in this rainy season when we could avoid that by pulling them out of the dilapidated classrooms,” Commented one parent who identified himself as Julius Ombasa.

They blamed their area MP Innocent Obiri and his NG-CDF committee for neglecting the schools on the infrastructural improvement programmes.

The parents asked the MP to forget the past voting patterns in the Constituency but instead, should try to provide equitable education development services to the constituents.

The bitter parents appealed to the CS for Education Prof. George Magoha to visit the schools to witness the pathetic state of the buildings for himself.

“We appeal to the Minister or any well-wisher to step in and provide funds to reconstruct the schools for our children to continue learning,” appealed the parents.

When this reporter visited the institutions, learning was going on but efforts to get comments from head teachers were futile.

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