Kibabii University launches school of nursing

By Tony Wafula

Kibabii University in Kanduyi constituency Bungoma County has officially launched the school of nursing.

The move is meant to impart nursing students with knowledge.

Speaking to Education News during the launch of the school, the CEO Nursing Council of Kenya Dr. Edina Tallam said that the whole world is looking for good healthcare during this global pandemic.

She asked students to join the university for nursing courses and added that the nursing council has ensured that the institute has sophisticated equipment to aid learners during training.

‘The council ensures that an institution is well equipped before awarding it the go ahead to offer nursing courses,’ she said.

She added that the Covid-19 pandemic has put healthcare providers under immense stress.

‘Nursing is a calling. Nurses and midwives play a very big role in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic right from doing research, taking care of patients and administering the Covid-19 vaccine,’Dr. Tallam affirmed.

Kibabii University Vice chancellor Prof. Ipara Odeo asked the Nursing Council of Kenya to allow the University to admit more students for the course since they were still receiving many applications.

“In the first slot, we admitted 60 students. I appeal to the council to allow us admit up to 100 students,” he said.

 He revealed that the idea of coming up with a nursing school was incepted in 2013 after a realization that Bungoma county and the country at large has very few nurses.

 ‘Kibabii University has resigned a Memorandum of Understanding with Bishop Stuart University in Uganda. We will receive funding from the United States of America (USA) to help nursing students.’ Odeo said.

He added that the University has enough Lecturers who will handle nursing courses.

Bungoma County Executive Committee Member for health Anthony Walela revealed that the county government has accredited various health facilities where nursing students from Kibabii university will do their practicals.

‘Diploma and degree students from Kibabii University will do their training in Nalondo, Mechimeru and Malakisi health facilities,” Walela said.

Walela applauded President Uhuru Kenyatta for signing an agreement with the United Kingdom (UK) government that allows nursing students to apply for jobs in the UK.

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