Shock as head teacher is attacked by former student

Fredrick Odiero 

The Head Teacher of a primary school in Rongo Sub-County is fighting for his life after being assaulted by an enraged former learner.

Mr. Kepha Onsongo was attacked in his office at Arundo Primary School in North Kanyajuok Sub-location by the former learner who reportedly stormed the school compound as teachers were busy with ongoing end of term examinations in various classrooms.

The head teacher collapsed after the assault, prompting staff members to rush him to Nyamarambe Health Center where he was later referred to Nyangina Hospital where medics described his injuries as serious and in need of special attention.

The hospital management said that the injuries inflicted on his body by the assailant were deep and had to be referred to a hospital with relevant facilities. 

A villager, Linus Obudho said the former learner had dropped out of school and is currently a Boda-boda rider.

He added that villagers later combed the area as angry youths were baying for his  blood as the culprit reportedly escaped on  a motorbike.

The school Deputy Head Teacher was summoned to Kamagambo Divisional Police Headquarters to record a statement over the incident.

Police immediately launched a manhunt for the suspect who reportedly is still at large. 

Shock gripped the learning institution and its environs as police and villagers work hand in hand to flash him out.

Police appealed to villagers with information of his whereabouts to volunteer to the law enforcement team as hiding him may lead to serious trouble in the region.

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