Attempts to eradicate FGM in Madogo

By Amoto Ndiewo

Madogo multi agency security team headed by deputy sub county commissioner Emanuel Kiraga have met to elaborate on the 100% to try to eliminate the prevalent and cruel practice of FGM in the division. Talking to opinion leaders, chiefs, NGOs and religious leaders Mr Kiraga gave a stun warning to the area security chiefs and administrators that they shouldn’t be found culpable of condoning the cruel practice.‘’ As much as the safari is tedious I call upon the responsible officers to ensure the FGM vice is ended before the elapse of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s decree in three months’ time ,’’ he said.

Talking to Education News in his office the divisional chief said that the cruel practice denied many Madogo girls decent lives and infringing on their child rights that need protection from parents and community at large. He further called on the chiefs to ensure that they gather intelligence and evidence to pin down culprits in courts of law. He added that committees will be formed beginning from every level right from the headmen to assistant commissioner to ensure that appropriate correct data is collected.

“In this respect I call upon the women folk to be on the forefront in fighting FGM, since the mothers at home and elsewhere have the final say on whether to allow or deny the girl child to undergo the cruel cut,’’ said Mr Kiraga.

He noted that the committees will give weekly reports to his office and the line offices to assure the vice is dealt up with appropriately and promptly.Opinion leader Adula Tutuna urged fellow females in Madogo to be role models and help in eradication of the cruel vice. She advised both men and women to desist from the notion that if the girls do not undergo FGM they won’t get spouses.

“It is sad the FGM perpetrators have changed tactics by practising before male circumcision season. And reliable report indicates they do it in uttermost secrecy, and keep shifting girls from place to place,” she revealed.

She blamed local politicians of not talking about the vice in fear of losing election. Adula however noted that Mororo Social Network, a Community Based Organization (CBO) was on the forefront of creating awareness and are planning to construct a rescue centre for the vulnerable girls and street children. Adula said she was happy that though slow there was progress in the efforts towards elimination of the cruel vice.Mr Kiraga announced the sub county had launched two policy papers penned comprehensively to arrest FGM growth in Madogo division.

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