Kwale gets maiden TTC


By Amoto Ndiewo

200 students are expected to join the Sh300million Kwale Teachers College (TTC) which is set to be commissioned soon. The institution which is going to be the second TTC in the Coast region after Shanzu TTC is based in Banga along the Kinango Samburu road in Kinango Sub-county.

The college whose Board of Management was inaugurated last year  will offer  the CBC  diploma  for primary school tutors  and  early childhood development education courses.

The Kwale County Director of Education Daniel Nyasi told Education News on phone that the pioneer Principal Helen Machuka was in Nairobi sorting out the intake procedure.

“Madam Machuka is processing the names of learners to be enrolled in the college’s maiden intake,’’ he said.

The County Director further revealed that the construction work had gained strides ahead of the opening and the contractor was in the finishing phase. He hoped that things will go according to plan as the contractor was in a race against time to finalise hostels since bedding and other boarding facilities have already been acquired.

Already in place is a state of the art administration, tuition blocks and staff houses. According to the County Director, the construction was as a result of the efforts of the County government in partnership with the National government.

On a recent inspection tour, President Uhuru Kenyatta allocated Sh150 million to the facility to upgrade the institution whose certificate was gifted to the Governor Salim Mvurya in September 2020.

According to the CDE, besides education the institution which has a capacity of 1,000 students, it is expected to trigger business activities in Kinango .

“Herein we expect cybercafés, restaurants, and rental houses amongst other businesses which are to shoot as enrolment begins,’’ speculated the Director.

He regretted that the opening of the college was delayed by Covid-19 pandemic.

“Kwale is further privileged as we will be having another regional centre of excellence in  the Sh1.2 billion African Maritme Institute  whose construction is underway at Chistakamatsa in Matuga  which will serve Kenya , Uganda , Ethiopia , Tanzania , Rwanda and  Burundi,’’ said the CDE.

He then pleaded with the residents to  take advantage of the college to further their studies thus improving their lives. 

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