VTCs urge Gov’t to repackage information on 100% transition policy

By Erick Nyayiera

The government of Kenya has been urged to reconsider repackaging information on 100% transition policy lest the policy kills the existing village polytechnics and vocational centres.

Managers of counties run Vocational Training Centres (VTC) in Nyanza region have expressed concern at the ill aimed and confusing information on 100% transition given by the government.

Led by Kennedy Acholla, the Manager of Lucy Onono VTC in Bondo sub- County, the administrators disclosed that the policy has affected the enrollments in their institutions since all learners are expected to join secondary schools.

 “The government’s policy on 100% transition is in its 3rd year of implementation. Despite it being a good policy, it has intentionally sought to kill vocational centres and many youth polytechnics in Kenya which have done a great work in imparting skills for self-employment. We should therefore have proper re-packaging of the 100% transition in order to reduce the conflicts,” observed Acholla.

He added that the government should be sensitive to what a child needs instead of forcing them to go through a compulsory four year secondary course.

Acholla noted that VTCs are state run institutions whose trainees also benefit from the government subsidy just like the TTIs hence the 100% transition messaging is in bad taste.

Before the introduction of the 100% transition policy, any child who scored lower marks below 250 would comfortably enroll in VTCs. The policy has seen 60% reduction in enrolments as more students join secondary schools.

 Since 2012, the Vocational Centers are run by the various County governments who provide modern facilities and infrastructure and human resource while the national government provides grants.

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