Elders want drug lessons incorporated in Madrassa and Sunday schools

By Amoto Dennis Ndiewo 

Elders, youths and women leaders in Tana have expressed concern about the rise of drug abuse cases among the youths and argued that mandatory lessons against drugs should be introduced in Madrassa and Sunday schools.

The leaders, who were speaking to   the press, lamented   that the drug problem has contributed to rampant crime and high school drop out in the county.

Tana youth leader Dhadho Kolombo said peddlers easily lure the youths into drugs since the youths have little knowledge on drugs.

 ‘’Tana has a long way to go in the war against drugs. Incorporating compulsory lessons in Madrassa and Sunday schools can help curb the menacing vice,’’ said Kolombo.

A recent report from the county administration listed Tana North Sub County as the county with the most rampant use of drugs like heroin and marijuana.

‘Children need a stable foundation and a clear understanding of what drugs entail and their expected outcome if used. We also need to have measures that protect children who are exposed to drugs from an early age,’ Kolombo added.

Elder Mohamed Mbwana said the initiative to incorporate drug lessons in Madrassa and Sunday schools must be followed by concerted efforts and a genuine desire for change.

Maendeleo ya Wanawake Madogo chapter chairman Adula Tutuna lamented that many children grew up surrounded by alcoholics and drug abusers as parents, thus   they lacked right guardians or peers.

Madogo Assistant Deputy Commissioner Emmanuel Kiraga announced that his administration will show short films    featuring notorious drug peddlers and smugglers in the region.

‘’We will expose and shame them by giving real names, their faces ,areas of business and dates when police  arrested them, ’’ he said .

He added that the films will capture the true faces of those frustrating the war against drugs in Madogo on CDs which will then be circulated to the public free of charge.

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