Parents demonstrate over poor performance

By Lydia Ngoolo 

The parents of Mwania Primary School in Kathonzweni Sub-county in Makueni demonstrated and stormed the County Commissioner’s offices in Wote.

The parents who have withheld their children from the school since last Wednesday walked in protest to Wote town, covering about 49 kilometers to air their grievances to the authorities.

“We have been complaining and nothing happens at the ward level offices, forcing us to come here. Performance of the school has declined since the arrival of Stephen Maluki the head teacher,” said Christopher Kavilu a parent’s representative.

Kavilu added that the school used to top in the zone but after the head teacher came in, it started tailing. They accused him of being rude as well.

Speaking in his office, Makueni County TSC director Alex Cheruiyot said the case is being investigated and the teacher has been served with a show cause letter. 

The director noted that action will be taken after full investigations, adding that the teacher was posted in the school on January 10, 2021 and he is being investigated for embezzlement of funds case.

“One thing I know is that we can lose a very important case for lack of procedure. Let the parents leave everything to us. We are following the right procedure to solve the issue amicably,” he said.

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