Students protest over the transfer of their principal

By Njoroge Ndung’u

Learning was paralyzed at St Joseph’s Elburgon Secondary School in Nakuru County after students staged protests outside their school entrance following the transfer of their principal.

The students brandished twigs and placards with a message that read’ no principal, no peace.’

Their school principal ,Mr. Jeremiah Waweru ,received a transfer letter to Mauche Samoei Secondary School in Njoro sub county.

“We won’t go to class if Mr Waweru is transferred from this school,” said one of the students, adding that they would ensure that the new principal isn’t posted at the school.

Another student who sought anonymity said that the new principal had a bad record of poor academic performance in the schools he has headed in Molo and Kuresoi sub counties.

They said Mr Waweru, who is also a Biology teacher, has posted sterling performance and improved the infrastructure of the school from the time he was posted at the school in 2015.

The students praised their principal for providing school uniforms, catering for basic needs and paying school fees to some students who come from vulnerable families.

A parent who sought anonymity said the current principal had done all he could to ensure their children are disciplined and that they perform well.

The students, who braved the rain, had vowed not to go to class if their principal would be transferred.

However, calm was restored when their principal, a team from the Ministry of Education and TSC officers from Molo Sub- County arrived at the school and addressed them.

Molo Sub County Director of Education Mr. Sylvester Musikoyo said transfers are normal across the country and that students have no authority to determine whether or not a teacher should be transferred.

The students later went back to class after the officers promised to consider their grievances.

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