Over 40,000 students to join form one in Kiambu County

By Felix Wanderi

Over 40,000 form one students are set to join secondary schools within Kiambu county as from 2nd August 2021.

Kiambu County Director of Education (CDE) Victoria Mulili said that the number of students being admitted to schools in Kiambu shows that the county has the capacity to absorb students from within and outside the county.

Mulili said that the education performance in the county was on an upward trajectory since the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) mean grade went up to 275 from 274 in 2019 and 268 in 2018.

“Our target for 2021 is 280 and we promise we will achieve it,” said Mulili.

Mulili urged well-wishers to come on board and partner with the Ministry of education in educating the youth.

In 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), 32,411 students (15,796 boys and 16,615 girls) sat for the exams and got a mean score of 4.4 up from 4.3 in 2019

Governor James Nyoro said that though there were many students being admitted in the Kiambu county schools, very few were from Kiambu county.

He also said that they are aware that parents are struggling to take their children back to school.

“The number of bursary applications the county government has received is overwhelming. We are doing everything we can to make sure we reach out to as many needy cases as possible,” said Nyoro. 

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