New secondary Schools ease 100 per cent transition in Nairobi County

By Roy Hezron

A total of three new public secondary schools are currently operational while four are still under construction in Nairobi City County to ease the pressure of 100 per cent transition as the county reports high turnout of Form One admission. 

Regional Director (RD) of Education Jared Obiero told Education News on July 4, 2021 that Githurai, Satellite Mixed, and Woodley Boys Secondary Schools which are already operational will go a long way in improving the County’s education standard and improving infrastructure development in schools.

He revealed that a total of four Secondary Schools are which are Gituamba, Nairobi South, Kongoni Mixed and Njiru Secondary Schools are currently under construction and soon will be operational.

According to data from the RD’s office as per the last term of 2020 School calendar (Term three), the county had a total of 102 public Secondary Schools with a total enrollment of 71, 741 students of whom majority are girls who were 36, 378 while boys were 35, 363.

The sub-counties which had the highest number of public secondary schools were Njiru, Westlands and Kasarani which had 14 schools each, while Makadara and Dagoreti had 11 and 10 schools respectively.

Lang’ata and Mathare Sub-counties had the least number of students enrolled, with Mathare which has 4 public secondary schools had the least number of boys enrolled at 657 boys, with girls being majority at 1, 232 making a total enrollment in the sub-county tallying to only 1, 889.

Lang’at sub-county which only has 3 public secondary schools had the least number of girls enrolled at 582 girls while boys were 1067 making a total enrollment of 1, 649 students.

A total of 205 public primary schools are in the county with enrollment of 224,499 pupils as per term three with boys being 110, 560 while girls 113, 939.

On public Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) Centres, the County has 220 public ECDE centres with an enrollment of 22, 701 leaners as per third term of 2020 School Calendar of whom 11, 976 leaners were boys while girls were 10,725.

Regarding the Form One admission, Obiero stated that the turn-out was at 80 per cent as per the third day of reporting (July 4, 2021) with Extra and County Schools being at 50 per cent, and hoped to achieve 100 per cent reporting by the last day of reporting, adding that they will use all mechanism of locating those who will fail to report.

He urged the parents to continue meeting their education obligation despite the government easing the burden of school fees for smooth running of school programmes, and added that if there any genuine and which can be properly be supported, they can raise the same with their respective Sub-county Directors of Education.

Some of the national schools in the county which are expected to receive the highest number of students and which will be up for grab in the Form One admission include  Pangani Girls, Kenya High, Lenana and Nairobi School among other extra county and county schools in the county.

However, two Sub-counties have changes in their management with Grace Mutero being the new Kamukunji Sub-County Director of Education from Mathare sub-county; while Lucy Musyoka from Kilifi County replacing her in Mathare.

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