Bad behavior among youth blamed on poor parenting

By Enock Okong’o

Kisii based priest Father Lawrence Nyanga has blamed parents for the bad behavior their children portray.

He said that the long absence of the parents from their homes had robbed the parents of the noble opportunity to be with their children.

The priest, who is also the chaplain of Kisii University, asked the youth to listen to the counsel of their parents if they want to thrive in life.

The priest was speaking at Nyaura Village where a university student was arrested after it was discovered that he allegedly grew opium in his rental compound.

After harvesting it for sale, the neighbours sensed the vice and informed the police who invaded and searched the compound.

”My officers acted quickly after tips from the public and arrested the suspect,” briefed Kisii police boss Mr. Francis Kooli.

Kooli added that the suspect, who is a student of Kisii University, will be arraigned in court after investigations are completed.

He warned drug peddlers against the practice saying that it was a deliberate violation of the law.

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