Teachers praised for using half-term break to get Covid-19 jabs

By Tony Wafula

Teachers across the country have been praised for making use of the short half term break as many of them made visits to healthcare facilities for vaccinations with the Covid-19 jabs.

This came after teachers were earlier urged to go for the vaccinations due to the upsurge of Covid-19.

Speaking at Sikusi Primary School during the burial mass of the late Michael Wanjala, Principal for St. Vincent Okwari in Kisii, Western Kenya’s Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) Charman Edward Bikala said that teachers should not ignore the Covid-19 jabs, for it will protect them against Covid-19.

He added that Bungoma County has lost many people to Covid-19 saying that more teachers should not be lost.

“The only shield to help us fight Covid-19 pandemic is to go for jabs and observe MOH protocols given to help curb more spread,” Bikala said.

His sentiments were echoed by Bungoma central KESSHA Charman Walter Kwanusu who said that teachers should not waste time going for jabs when required to be in class instead use the shortest break when learners are at home to go for Covid-19 jabs.

Bungoma South Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Executive Secretary, Ken Nganga on his part said that teachers should not be forced to take jabs but instead should be given time.

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