KEPSHA trains 1,400 children councils’ leaders in primary schools

By Roy Hezron

Kenya Primary School Head teachers Association (KEPSHA) recently trained 1, 410 student council leaders from public primary schools on leadership, life skills, career guidance and community service during this year’s 5th Annual National Children Council Congress.

The congress, which was in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Teachers Service Commission (TSC), was held at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) between July 22 and 23, 2021 .Its theme was “Children Mentorship”.

Addressing the participants during the virtual congress, KEPSHA Chairman Mr. Johnson Matheka Nzioka lauded the Child Friendly School (CFS) for the creation of student councils stating that it has increased the move towards child centered teaching and learning.

The CFS model, promoted by United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), has become the preferred solution to children’s educational needs across the world.

“To facilitate sustainability of this noble intervention, we shall engage the Ministry of Education to provide capitation grant to support the process right from the school level to the national level,” added Nzioka.

Student leaders drawn from 47 counties will be expected to cascade the knowledge gained during the congress to their fellow leaders and students in their respective schools.

CFS model was launched by the Ministry in 2010 and since then, the United Nations Children’s Fund originally known as UNICEF, has offered both technical and financial support.

Children Councils were started in 2014 and were meant to replace prefects who were seen as agents of school administrators.

The Councils have promoted an environment of open discourse and holistic learning in schools. They have also proactively represented the children’s voice to the school administration and School Board of Management.

Principal Secretary in the State Department of Basic and Early Learning Dr. Julius Jwan was the chief guest during this year’s congress.

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