Voi MP Launches a New Primary School

By Michael Oduor

Voi Member of Parliament Hon. Jones Mlolwa has officially launched Mwambani Primary School in Voi Sub-county of Taita Taveta County.

Speaking during the launch, the MP said that the opening of Mwambani Primary will not only ease congestion at the nearby schools but will also shorten the distances covered by school going children.

It was also noted that, besides Buguta Primary school being overwhelmed with high population, children have been facing challenges of attacks by stray wildlife while going to school early in the morning or returning home in the evening.

“This school will not only help in reducing the congestion of pupils in Buguta Primary. We’ve been having cases of pupils being attacked by wild animals while walking to and from school. This school will reduce the distance children used to walk as the pupils around here can join this school and learn,” said Mlolwa.

The legislator called upon the residents living around the school to support it by ensuring they bring more pupils to the school.

“This is your school. You should support it by ensuring that you bring your children to be registered in this school,” said Mlolwa.

The three classrooms in Mwambani Primary were constructed by the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF).

The MP promised to construct three additional classrooms, provide water storage facilities and ensure fencing of the school compound is done also through the NG-CDF.

On his part, Voi Sub-County Director of Education Mr. Sylvester Kiilu said his office will support the new school by fast-trucking it’s registration as a public primary school adding that the new school will change the lives of children within the area.

His sentiments were echoed by Curriculum Support Officer Nyangala Division, Madam Lucy Macharia who applauded the move to open the school noting that children will no longer have to walk for long distances to school. She urged the education stakeholders to hasten the registration of the school and to ensure TSC sends teachers to the new school.

“Our children are now relieved from walking longer distances to school. I call upon the stakeholders in the education sector in the county to speed up the registration of the school so that TSC can send teachers here for our children to be taught,” she said.

Also present during the ceremony was Voi Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Daniel Nduti who called on parents to embrace education by being part of their children’s education.

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