MM Shah ECDE Pupils Get New Classrooms

By Mosawe Naomi

Early childhood Education (ECD) pupils from MM Shah primary school located in Kilimani market are enjoying learning in new classrooms after the County Government of Kisumu constructed a modernized and furnished classrooms for them.

While speaking during the launch, Lucy Atieno, a manager at MM Shah ECD center said that almost 45 pupils have joined the school and that they are expecting more in days to come.

“Currently we are handling 200 ECD pupils with six streams and 10 teachers.” she said.

Constructed under the 2020/2021 financial year, the school has been equipped with furniture and a water tank to enable pupils to wash their hands in efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Teachers have made it possible for them as they teach and remind them to wash their hands regularly.

Pupils are still enjoying their daily lunch program that the county government launched earlier across all the Sub-counties.

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