Mombasa School Heads Perturbed as Students Report without School Fees

By Hilton Mwabili

Secondary School heads in Mombasa are concerned after majority of students joining form one reported to their respective schools without school fees and others without the required personal belongings.

The school heads reported that most parents cited harsh economic times compounded by effects of Covid-19 pandemic as key challenge towards preparation admissions.

At Mamangina Girls, a national school in Mombasa, Principal Mwanahamisi Omar said the first day of admission, three students reported with empty metal boxes and some with no school uniform forced him to rethink on what to do to ensure the students were not demoralized on their first day of secondary school

“As the principal we looked at the situation of my new girls, luckily we had some few uniforms at the school which we shared and conducted a few shopping from a few shillings donated by well-wishers,” said the principal.

According to Omar, most of the challenges range from school uniform, basic school boarding requirements and school fees.

“We have admitted the students and bought some shopping for them but still they are faced with fee challenge. Among the three, one was coming from far as Kitui, the other one from Kilifi while other came from the far end of Kwale County hence there was so no need to turn them back,”  added the school head.

At the same time she said the school is tracing a number of students after receiving reports that despite scoring high marks, they were unable to join the school because of the dire financial crisis.

“One of the students from Kwale scored 378 but we have received reports that they are not able to join because her family is in financial crisis. We shall link the parents with National Government education officials and those from the county to see if they can benefit from bursaries and sponsorship,” she said.

In Shimo la Tewa, another Mombasa based National school, the Principal Mutiso Mbinda said they have already registered 400 students which was their target adding that many of the sponsored students have been admitted without school fees but with just promises.

“We have not sent home any form one student, but the majority of the sponsored students have promised to pay as early as Friday, we are ready for learning.” he said.

Since they have met the required number of students, Mbinda said they now plan to start teaching even though the school needs to accommodate 50 more students to get to capacity.

At  Allidina Visram High School, a day secondary school, there were cases  of parents failing to pay lunch charges.

“Paying 14,500 for lunch per student for the whole year has become a major challenge to many parents; many have expressed tough economic times which we also understand and allow admission as school fees is well catered for by the government through capitation.” said Juma Mshimu  Allidina visram, the school Principal.

Mshimu said already 220 form ones have been registered with a target of 250 which they expect to reach by end of the day.

He added that majority of students have reported with promises to clear the fees and letters from the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF).

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