Protest over deaths at weighbridge

By Abdi Hussein

A weighbridge bridge along the Namanga- Nairobi highway in Isinya Sub-county that has turned into a death trap for primary school pupils recently.

Parents and pupils at Isinya Primary School have lamented over the dangerous bridge that has led to the death and injury of learners at the school.

Over the last three years, the school has lost two pupils, while scores more have been injured in multiple road accidents involving trucks.

The bridge Isinya weighbridge that is under construction by Kenya National Highway Authority (Kenha) is 500 metres from the biggest public school in the area with a population of 987 pupils.

The weighbridge at the Kajiado-Kitengela-Kiserian roads junction causes a heavy traffic that creates problems for the smooth movement of vehicles.

The long queues of trucks trying to access the weighbridge services sometimes extend past the bridge making it hard for other motorists and pedestrians to use the road

The situation is pathetic during the rainy season when Isinya river burst its banks.

The situation is worst early in the morning and late in the evening when dozens of trucks block the road causing a heavy traffic and blocking other motorists and pedestrians.

Pupils jostle for space in between queuing trucks endangering their lives, as public service vehicles pick and drop passengers near the bridge despite the looming danger.

A pupil died on the spot after he was run over by a truck in March, 2021 while another was killed in a similar accident while rushing home incident in 2017.

Scores of pupils are said to have suffered serious injuries at the same spot in the past to the chagrin of parents, most of them now forced to escort their pupils past the bridge.

“The weighbridge is a death trap for our children, yet our plea to the relevant authorities has fallen on deaf ears,” said a parent Peninah Naserian.

The children have no alternative route as the number of trucks continues to increase making it even more challenging to get past the bridge.

Isinya primary school head teacher Mr Jonathan Kotem says the bridge has turned into agony for parents and the school management in the recent past.

“This is the only access route to our school that has turned risky for our pupils. Each day we hold our breath hoping it will end well,” said Kotem.

He said Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA) build bumps to slow down the vehicles but that has not helped much.

“The speed bumps did not address the challenge of trucks snarling up past the gate or trucks turning at the middle of the road.

Stringent measures are required.Relocating the weighbridge away from the bridge,” said Kotem.

An officer in charge of Isinya weighbridge declined to comment, saying he was not authorized to talk to media.

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