Scholarships for top KCPE candidates in Khwisero

By Denis Lumiti       

A scholarship fund in Khwisero constituency will pay high school for all students admitted to top schools in the country.

Area MP Christopher Aseka said that he had also marshalled enough resources from different sources for the learners’ scholarships.

“All our top learners who have been called to national and extra-county schools will get full scholarships to study up to form four,” he said.

He spoke after unveiling the full list of the students and assured the students that they would get money for shopping.

He said others from needy families who attend schools in the area would be sponsored.

He said some of the cash was sourced from the Constituency Development Fund and other partners, and from his own personal savings.

Aseka said he has dedicated 10 per cent of his monthly pay towards sponsoring education for needy children.

Some of the kids have been called to top schools such as Kapsabet Boys, Lenana, Nairobi School, St. Mary’s Mumias Girls, Ng’iya Girls, Butere Girls and Boys and St. Ignatius Mukumu Boys.

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