Education hard hit by drought North Eastern

By Amoto Ndiewo

Drought has adversely affected learning in Mbalambala and Modogashe sub counties of Garissa County.

 A spot check by education news in northern part of the county reveals that many water pans and wells have dried due to biting drought whereas some boreholes have broken down due to overuse and careless handling.

Many families have migrated to volatile areas to look for pasture and water for their livestock. And adding insult to injury some parents shifted with their children who are in school

Hagarjerer Primary School head teacher Ahmed Mohamud Khere told Education News on phone that some children were yet to report to school by the beginning of the fourth week.

“They migrated to volatile parts of Isiolo   where it has not only rained  but tribal clashes reign between communities in Garissa and Isiolo counties ,’’ said Khere.

He added that water storage tanks are empty in all schools and bathing has become a luxury as the little water available is used for cooking the little remaining food bought in Garissa town.

“To make matters worse, the School Feeding Program which could have helped the children stay in school is yet to come,’’ lamented Khere.

Mbalambala Sub County Director of Education Madam Saadia  Guhad  praised  the teachers and pupils for enduring under harsh  condition without reliable water  source.

“Arrangements are under way to have water bowser trucks take water to the needy schools,” she told education news, 

Similar harsh condition are being experienced in neighbouring Boka, Bengali , Asako , Bura East  in Tana North sub county where learning has also been hugely affected  .

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