Justice Koome says children rights to be protected

By Mosawe Naomi,

The Kenyan Judiciary will be embarking on a plan to ensure that children are granted adequate protection by the country’s court system, says Chief Justice Martha Koome.

Speaking at a Children Remand Center in Kisumu, Koome said  a lot of transformation has taken place in the interest of children at the facility.

“As Chief Justice I commit to ensure our children are well protected because they are our bridge to the future and are central to the services that we render “she said.

She said they will build more facilities for the institution and also improve the facility for children care of and also to support the work of judiciary.

They have also formed a programme of transcribing whereby children are trained on how to use a computer.

She also said the children also have a memorandum which will be handed to the Presiding Judge at the Kisumu Law Courts.

She said the court has an institution called the court users committee which is doing a great job and all stake holders in the administration justice will see how they can deliver justice to children.

“No child should be in remand for more than one year ,”says Mrs.Koome.

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