Help plea for bright boy Brian Kibet who dropped out of campus

By Amoto Ndiewo

Bright former JKUAT 5th year mechanical engineering student Brian Kibet who not only scored a plain A in KCSE but cleverly scaled the walls of State House albeit being shot later brandishing a knife on 11th June 2019 has dropped out of campus.

After dropping out of campus Kibet moved  back home  in Kitale where he reportedly lives in a cave after falling into bhang drug pit and fell out with his parents.

Surprisingly, in a probable hallucinogenic trance the bright boy claims to be a Rastafarian prophet and desperately begs for money from his facebook followers.

According to a former JKUAT colleague and friend Dennis Kibwana , Brian has even changed his name to MwendaWazimu  Kibet Bera .

“Interestingly, although he now calls himself Mwendawazimu  at JKUAT he denied being cheesy and accused comrades of mudslinging him so.  Through Facebook post he posed, “ How can a mad man do a prime course at a prime university?”

Prior to that he called himself Prince of Ethiopia and strongly believed he was an Ethiopian by principle. 

In a recent Facebook page, the young man shared photos showing him with grass in his mouth. However, since grass in slang means cannabis sativa (bhang) it remains unclear whether by putting grass in his mouth, Kibet admitted grazing on bhang,   or  mimicking a cow eating grass.

“ Indeed   in paranormal symbolism grass in the mouth could mean, much including being metaphoric for a hint in strained, anxious, family relationship arising from a peculiar situation.  No matter how one tries to deny it, the bottom line is one needs to be more receptive and patch up.

His pal  worriedly pointed  that,   “ recently  Brian claimed that he was baptised with fire to get his new name,   this clearly   says  Brian’s mental health  is wanting and something ought to be done to help him retract ,  a friend in need is a friend in deed.” Kibet’s  friend who neither denied nor confirmed that his friend abuses drugs, said that use of drugs can be misleading.

He cited the case of Prof Timothy Leary (1920-1996)  former Harvard University don who believed  that LSD  which he used himself  not only showed potential in therapeutic use in psychiatry, but was a philosophical pathway and mind expander  for personal truth .  

“Though Leary became a well-known cult figure in counterculture of the hippie world in 1960s, it turned out, that drugs use was a misadventure,’’ said Dennis. 

 Judging by his earlier Facebook posts, it appeared Kibet was a young frustrated man with a disturbed mind of his own. And though his friend calls for help, its worth remembering Kibet had been hospitalised at Mathare mental hospital where he recovered from the shoulder bullet injury he got after jumping over the State House wall.  Is it a neurotic and chaotic humanity?

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