Elect leaders who will restore KNUT’s past glory, teachers told

The officials of Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) in Bungoma County have urged members from other branches to consider electing officials who will restore sanity in the union and bring back its past glory.

Led by the chairman John Kikechi, they said as a branch they look forward to voting for officials that will revive the giant teachers union claiming current officials have failed to live up the expectations.

The Chairman’s sentiments were echoed by other members who accompanied him, including Bungoma North executive secretary Chrispinus Sifuna who maintained that Knut is strong and will continue operating in the country while at the same time urging other branches to vote leaders who will bring the union’s glory days back.

“Somebody is trying to kill KNUT, but he or she won’t succeed. The 62-year-old union won’t be killed just like that. There will be light at the end of the tunnel,” he said.

They promised to present Kenneth Ng’ang’a at the National Executive council to represent Bungoma County and the larger Western region.

“We have Namisi and Wesonga eyeing the second vice chair person seat but I must reiterate that we will only vote for leaders who have the interest of teachers at heart.

Moses Masika ,Bungoma West executive secretary called on all unionists in the region to unite and elect one of them to the national platform.

“We have the power to push for one of us to represent us in national politics. This way, we will get a chance to take over other regional seats,” noted Masika.

They were speaking at a delegates education meeting led by Ng’arisha Sacco in Busia.  Sacco branch chairman Benedict Simiyu said that the co-operative has grown rapidly since its inception and now boasts  of more than 20,000 members.He called on residents from Western region to join the Sacco as a sure way of improving their economic status.

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