KNUT official vow to fight current union leadership

By Michael Oduor

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Executive Secretary Taita Taveta County Lenox Mshila has condemned the leadership of the union saying that it has led to misunderstandings.

Speaking to Education News on phone, Mshila said that currently the union has been having leadership challenges that have resulted to relational differences between the union and the government, making it difficult for teachers’ grievances to be addressed.

He added that the current situation has made the union lost its popularity in the country as thousands of teachers have already turned their backs against the union, and its membership dropping to about 15,000. 

“Our leader Wilson Sossion lacks leadership. We had over two hundred thousand teachers in the union but as we speak, we have fifteen thousand teachers only as others have left the union,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mshila has urged the union representatives to ensure that they vote in a new leader in the forthcoming election, adding that this is the only way teachers can get solutions to various problems.

“We will support change in our leadership so that the union gets better, teachers can work well and get promotions where they are supposed to get. It is through changing the leadership that our challenges can be heard and acted upon,” he added.

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