Kitty to benefit students from Kiambu Constituency-MP

By Felix Wanderi

Kiambu MP Jude Njomo has said that the NG-CDF bursary will only benefit needy students from the constituency.

He lamented that applicants of the bursary fund came from other constituencies. This means the funds were not benefitting needing students from the constituency.

“We have put up measures and involved the chiefs and we want applicants also to produce their voter’s card to establish that one is a local of the constituency,” said Njomo during the commissioning of Sh32.5 million bursary fund which will benefit more than 5,500 needy students in the constituency.

Njomo called on parents to encourage their children to study more and give them hope so that they may have a bright future.

He said that he is focused on improving education in the constituency and announced that eight schools will be introduced to music classes having bought music instruments worth Sh8 million.

“Soon we will distribute music instruments to eight of our schools so that our children can start learning music. We want the constituency to produce good musicians and be able to operate music instruments,” said Njomo.

 He added that three schools will start golfing lessons and has secured golf clubs after a fundraising in Kiambu Golf Club so as to motivate the pupils early.

He said that some schools have been introduced to Kung Fu lessons and Chinese Embassy has supported the initiative and will have a tournament next month.

“We have initiated negotiations with Chinese Embassy so that they can give us teachers to teach Chinese language in Kiambu schools,” said Njomo.

The legislator said that NG-CDF has built six new day secondary schools that have contributed to the transition of pupils to secondary schools from 40 per cent to 90 per cent.

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