Meru governor trains focus on ECDE feeding programme

By Jeff Mwangi

The newly elected Meru County governor Kawira Mwangaza has said her administration will work hard to support education in the county.

The governor said they will come up with a strategy where ECDE pupils in the county will be given porridge during mid-morning break to sustain them in school.

She said the most affected children are those from the county’s dry areas, especially those bordering Isiolo and Tharaka Nithi counties.

“As a county government we want to come up with a way for the ECDE children in our public schools will be fed porridge during the ten o’clock break. In this way we will be able to retain them in school and make them enjoy learning,” the governor noted.

Though Meru County is known to be a generally wet climate, some parts are dry lands especially along the borders of Isiolo and Tharaka Nithi counties where there has been no rain for the last two years.

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