Vihiga Kuppet Boss Protests Interdiction of Kegoye Teacher

By Roy Hezron

Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Vihiga Executive Secretary, Sabala Inyeni has protested in the manner in which a teacher at Kegoye Secondary School was interdicted.

Inyeni who was speaking to Education News just moments before addressing the press in his Mbale office today morning, revealed that the teacher, Mr. Dickson Lupamo was interdicted last week by the School Principal Mr. Alex Luyali who left the school immediately after signing his interdiction letter.

It is alleged that the teacher was accused by the School Board of Management for desertion of duty in the month of March, a situation that Vihiga Kuppet boss protested labeling the BOM as insensitive, high handed and vindictive since it refused to adhere to the advice of the employer to send the teacher on rehabilitation.

“This teacher has a problem with alcohol, it is visible. My office was ready to cost share the bills so that this teacher is sent on rehabilitation. But what we have at Kegoye is a very insensitive BOM that doesn’t even listen to the advice of stakeholders,” said Inyeni.

“We are not going to work closely with boards of management which are defying professional advice on issues affecting our members. We shall profile that school and advice our members accordingly. We also want the new Principal to know from the word go, the type of BOM he will be working with. This is unacceptable,” he added.

However, what raised eye brows was the immediate transfer of the Principal to Mbakalo Boys High School in Bungoma County. It was not immediately established whether the Principal had requested for the transfer to avoid the pressure from the local union leaders.

It is alleged that a total of 3 teachers have now been interdicted at the school in the last 5 years under controversial circumstances.

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