Teacher commits suicide after quarrel with wife over finances

by Erick Nyayiera

Residents of Manyonge village in Bondo sub county woke up to a sorrowful incident after a primary school teacher in his mid-30’s allegedly consumed poison and died.

George Otieno Abor who was up to the time of his death, a teacher at Manyonge Primary School died at Bondo County Hospital where he was rushed after reportedly consuming an insecticide.

According to Bondo Township location Chief, Mr. Walter Omollo, the deceased has had several instances of domestic differences with his wife who has been complaining of the man’s failure to provide for the family.

 Mr. Omolo has further disclosed that he had tried severally to arbitrate between the deceased and his wife and remembers that the deceased told him that he had financial challenges ever since he took an 8,000 shillings bank overdraft and has therefore been facilitating the loan.

 The administrator urged members of the public to avoid taking matters to the extremes but rather find amicable solutions including counseling.

 The deceased body lies at Bondo County Hospital Mortuary as the police begin investigations into the matter.

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