Bondo Township Secondary improves, sends 20 candidates to universities

By Erick Nyayiera

Bondo Township Secondary School continues to shine in KCSE performance after sending 20 students to universities.

The school produced a mean of 4.81 in the 2020 KCSE results, an improvement from 2019 when it had a mean of 3.82 and only 14 students managed direct entry to universities.

School Principal Benson Moses Okoth told Education News that they have every reason to celebrate the good performance since they have improved a lot.

“I must thank our teachers for the sacrifices and tireless efforts they have put to give their best to our candidates, the Ministry of Education, the BOM and Parents Association including the sponsors who also played a pivotal role in these wonderful results,” said Okoth.

The school had a candidature of 155 but only 154 managed to sit exams.

They had A- (1), B (3), B- (6), C+ (10), C (23), C- (48), D+ (33).

“Apart from the 20 who qualified direct to universities, we will send more than 100 students to Teachers Colleges and Technical Training Colleges to assist them get skills for livelihoods,” stated Okoth.

“Our top student who scored A- (Chris Paul Onyango) is a total orphan who has struggled with education after he scored 294 marks in KCPE at a local primary school in the rural parts of Bondo. We have walked him through his education to reach this level,” he added.

Deputy Principal, Peter Omondi Adongo observed that foster-parenting adopted by teachers helped weak students improve. “We had 15 students accorded to one teacher. This programme offered psycho- social support. It gave them the need to work hard given the poor background they come from.”

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